Being Appreciated – April 9, 2011
This weekend I was reminded of my good work as a teacher. First, I saw a parent on the ferry who thanked me for teaching both of her kids math and said that she felt lucky. We chatted a bit longer about her kids and what they were up to. I miss that about my job. In fact, knowing what my former students are doing today as adults is rewarding. I was grateful for her kind words. Second, my family and I went a surprise birthday party for my husband’s aunt last night. She was surprised and all 40 of us had a wonderful time at the restaurant celebrating her birthday. The funny thing is that the birthday girl asked me if I would be willing to teach her niece math, as an adult student, with her living with us for a few months to upgrade her math in preparation for university. I said, YES. Third, to conclude the hat trick of compliments was a meeting I attended morning. I was recruited to be a member of the BC Association of Math Teachers Executive committee. My name was forwarded and approved with open arms… reassured that I would be an “asset” to the committee. All I can say is… thanks… YIPPEE… and back contributing to public education, math education, and assessment for learning. BEST 5-hour meeting ever!
Well, all I have to say is… if you love your teacher… show your appreciation.