Think Tank – May 27, 2011
I am about to embark on a unique experience… the BCAMT THINK TANK. I never heard about it until recently. I have been recruited to be a part of the BC Association of Mathematics Teachers (BCAMT) executive committee. I’ve always wanted to be a part of this group, but never knew how. Here I am. Yay me.
I am one of the “secondary representatives.” I found that out online. I’m pretty happy about that. I was inspired and recently applied to be an “Associate Member” of the BCTF (BC Teachers’ Federation) so that I can continue my participation in professional development in public education. I’m pretty stoked about that. Yay me.
I am really looking forward to spending time with like minded individuals who are passionate about math education and wanting to make a difference. Think Tank is a 3-day, 2-night affair at a resort in Bowen Island. I never been to Bowen Island. This will be a double BC Ferry adventure. Yay me.
Notice, this weekend event was not part of my “editing” process. I love connecting up with teachers and other math educators who are passionate about math and what they are doing. They are driven and motivated to influence others to improve math education in BC. I can only learn something new. Who can ‘edit’ that? Not me.