Hi Ms. Younghusband – June 9, 2011

I stand here waiting for the bus in downtown Vancouver.  The city noise, the presence of lots of people, and the industrial smell of the cool breeze brings me some comfort and feelings of familiarity.  I love it here.  The nicest surprise was a young man calls me from behind the line and says, “Hi Ms. Younghusband.”  I said hello back, with a big smile.  I did not recognize him but assume that he was a student from the school I had previously taught at.  My deepest joy is derived from knowing that I had an influence on public education with the students I taught and didn’t teach.  The best compliment of all is when parents approach me to say only good things they heard about me and regret that their kids won’t have me in the near future.  Those kinds of acknowledgements are what teachers thrive on.  I am only saddened that I can only hear these kind words being outside of the system.  Nonetheless, I am grateful to hear them and glad to know that the school community perceived me to be a good math teacher.  It is truly an honour.