The Happiness Project
Here I sit at Wheatberries, a local coffee shop, drinking my latte and eating a delicious blueberry muffin. Before heading off to my dental appointment, I’m hanging out at the coffee shop to organize, edit, and write. What a beautiful sunny day to get out of the house and enjoy what my little community has to offer. Before hunkering down and editing my dissertation proposal (again), I took out my little book I bought last weekend titled, The Happiness Project.
I don’t know what inspired me to buy this book. I don’t really need anything. Life is great. I had no true compulsions to splurge or seek therapy via shopping. I was pretty content last weekend. Who wouldn’t be? It was Thanksgiving weekend. I had an extraordinary opportunity to roam Metrotown, Granville Island, and South Granville by myself. I was so impressed with myself that I had no desire to shop, I called my friend to share the good news. She said, I finally arrived and she wished that she had felt the same way.
Oops, spoke too fast. Before going to my sister’s for dinner, I strolled into Chapters. I was looking at a set of random books and I drawn to The Happiness Project. I picked up the book and felt “the tingles,” the good feelings… It was something I was meant to do. So, I bought the book. It’s a HEATHER’S PICK, meaning a guaranteed good read or your money back. How could I go wrong?
I’m not an avid reader. I will read a few pages here and there and I finally arrived to Chapter 1. The book got me at “Getting Started.” Gretchen Rubin writes about the MIDLIFE MALAISE… not midlife crisis. I love it. Much like her, I am not unhappy, but I could be much happier. I have a great life. I love my man, my kid, my dog, my family, my friends, etc. I have my health and I’m living my dream. I look forward to my Happiness Project. My plan is to start where Gretchen did… BOOST ENERGY.