Friday the 13th
A day of gratitude… First of all, it’s a beautiful sunny day. I cannot complain about that. Blue skies, the sun is shining, and the birds are singing. It’s a beautiful spring day. Second, it’s the day after my CUTL completion. CUTL is the Certificate of University Teaching and Learning program offered at the Teaching & Learning Centre at SFU. It doesn’t matter how long you have been teaching (for me, 16 years), you an always learn more about the teaching practice. It feels great to be accepted into and complete the program. CUTL shifted my views of teaching and learning in higher education, adult education, and K-12 education. Third, I spent the morning with the Superintendent of Schools touring schools on the south end of the Sunshine Coast. It was a unique opportunity as a former employee and new school trustee to see school principals, teachers, support staff, and students in action. I loved visiting the schools and feeling the energy each school provides. Furthermore, I am grateful to see the entire school district as a collection of distinct school cultures and communities. I feel very lucky to be a part of School District No.46 (Sunshine Coast) as school trustee. The day concludes with an engaging committee meeting at the Board office with the Superintendent and Trustee Mewhort. There nothing I like more than to talk about education (it’s true… ask my husband). The best part of my day is hanging out at the pool to watch my daughter swim while I remote blog to share my gratitude with you. Thank you for reading, Bloggies. Happy Friday the 13th.