May 3, 2012 – I was honoured to be a part of the “Nurturing the Learning Spirit” Forum as a school trustee from the SD46 Board of Education. The forum was held on the traditional land of the shíshálh First Nation at the Sechelt Indian Band Hall facilitated by Kerry Mahlman, District Principal of Aboriginal Education. Principal Mahlman welcomed the participants and briefly described the nature of the day and protocol. Elder Teresa Jefferies welcomes the participants with inspirational words and wisdom on behalf of the shíshálh nation. Principal Mahlman acknowledges Teresa with a blanket. Kristi Haavisto, Aboriginal Education Teacher, followed the welcome by leading the group with a song. Ms. Haavisto described the origin of the song and it’s meaning before we drummed and sang. I had the pleasure of joining those at front with my Wolf drum. It was a great way to start the day.
The “work” portion of the forum involved students, principals/teachers, and community members. The focus was achievement and Aboriginal education. Students participating in the forum had Aboriginal heritage. With their supervising principal/teachers, they were grouped according to school. I was fortunate to work with the students and teachers from Davis Bay Elementary and Gibsons Elementary. Elementary students, secondary students, and community members were given thought provoking questions appropriate for each group. Students answered the questions individually then regrouped to report out ‘big ideas’ that best reflects the group. Forum participants were offered food and drinks before having to present their ‘big ideas’ to the whole group. At most tables, students presented their group’s ‘big ideas.’ They did a great job. Once all school groups and community groups were heard, the forum concludes with the “Warrior Song” led by Terry (Coyote) Aleck.
The “Nurturing the Learning Spirit” forum was a wonderful SD46 event that involved Aboriginal students, school principals/teachers, and community members to collaborate, have input, and share ideas about student learning, student success, and achievement. Thank you Kerry Mahlman and the Aboriginal Education Teaching Team for coordinating and facilitating this event. Much gratitude.
District Principal Kerry Mahlman addresses the forum attendees
Students from SCAS present their ‘big ideas’ to the collective
Trustee Lori Dixon, Elder Barb Higgins, and Trustee Greg Russell
My ‘Dragonfly’ Wolf drum with “Gib-Dave” Group‘s work
Written by Christine Ho Younghusband, May 05th, 2012 | Comments Off on Nurturing the Learning Spirit