
The Spoken Word – Poetry Slam – Finale of SCFWA 2014

Wow.  How can one be more inspired? This was a super awesome excellent event.  I have made half a dozen Tweets and half a dozen Facebook posts expressing my adoration for the Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written Arts (SCFWA).  Why not a blog too?  Unbelievable.  I just walk away from this event HAPPY.  How many times can you say that?  I do not know what the magic is, but I want more of it.  Thank you Jane Davidson and the SCFWA Team for hosting and orchestrating this event.  I literally stumbled into SCFWA last year out of sheer curiosity.  I lived on the Sunshine Coast for 20 years and never realized the awesomeness of this local annual event until I purchased one ticket one a whim.  One ticket led to another.  I was sold.  I think I bought a hat-trick of tickets last year and convinced I would be returning this year.  Yup.  I delved in and purchased a day-pass for Sunday… that is, six sessions.  In truth, by the time I returned back to the SCFWA office in the spring, all of the full-event tickets, the Friday day-pass tickets, and Saturday day-pass were SOLD OUT.  This was karma.  I went to every session on Sunday and loved every minute of it.  I loved the authors, singers, and storytellers.  I loved how they tell their story about their stories.  I loved connecting with visitors and community members face-to-face as we shared our admiration for the writers at the festival.  I loved how the writers… well, of the ones I’ve seen… “put themselves out there” to share their craft.  Furthermore, the event ended with a poetry slam and sing-along, which was amazing.  SCFWA is better than professional development.  It’s more like personal or spiritual development.  This is saying a lot considering I am a mathematics educator who is not an avid reader.  Anyway, I bought a least one book or DVD from each writer I saw that day.  It’s like me and “Circle Craft,” a HUGE craft fair in Vancouver.  I am not buying the craft because of the craft itself.  I am buying it because of the artists’ passion, or “jam.”  Thank you SCFWA.  Next year I might consider a full-event pass…