Aboriginal Day at RCCES

Story Telling Station
Teepee Station
The Canoe Station
Drumming Station
Four Quadrant Station
Sticks Station
Bannock Station
Mural Station
Salmon Station

What an amazing event at Robert Creek Community Elementary School (RCCES). On June 21st, the students, staff, and community members celebrated ABORIGINAL DAY. Students were divided up into groups and rotated through stations throughout the day (as seen above). The day was beautiful.  The sun was shining and students were enjoying the outdoor/aboriginal education day. As school trustee, I am fortunate to partake in such a wonderful event.  The bannock, salal berry jelly, and BBQ salmon were delicious.  I much enjoyed the drumming, singing, and stories told about the canoe and teepee.  All-in-all, it was a memorable day.  Thank you to the organizers, the SD46 Aboriginal Education Team, and the RCCES Parent Advisory Council.  This day could not have been possible without the work of all of you.

Thank you RCCES and Happy Aboriginal Day.
The Friendship Circle