A Term In Review

SD46 Board of Education 2013-2014

I cannot believe that 3 years have already passed by.  It’s been an incredible journey being a part of the SD46 Board of Education as school trustee.  I am proud of the work we’ve done, I am appreciative of the people I’ve met, and I am thankful for the learning opportunities I’ve engaged in.  Four years ago, I left teaching secondary mathematics in public schools.  With 16 years of teaching experience, I entered into a 3-year term as school trustee.  For the past 20 years, I’ve always had student learning and student success in mind… as an educator, doctoral student, school trustee, and mom.  I’ve enjoyed my service to public schools as school trustee by creating space to foster student learning.  Some highlights of my first term would be introducing environmental education from conception into action with the Primary Nature School Program, developing LGBTQ policy with students that is separate from bullying and harassment, and welcoming a student trustee to the board table along with the emergence the District Student Leadership Team (DSLT).  I am also proud of the revitalization of the District Parent Advisory Committee (DPAC) in addition to increased parent engagement at school PACs, with the Superintendent, and Education Committee.  Moreover, I’ve appreciated the educational leadership roles I’ve assumed as the SD46 Education Committee Chair, member of the Standing Committee on Provincial Curriculum, member of the BC School Trustees’ Association (BCSTA) Education Committee, and member of the BCSTA Board of Directors.  In this role, I have learned more about public education from the governance perspective.  This blog only highlights some of the great things accomplished. Don’t get me wrong… there are certainly ups and downs in this governance role.  Boards of Education are continually advocating for more money, making tough decisions regarding budget, and setting/revising policy that will best serve the school district.  This is part of the work. There is no perfect, although I feel that Boards of Education strive for “a near perfect” for our students and the community. It’s been an amazing experience working with this corporate board and I hope to serve another 4 years. #muchgratitude