One Step at a Time
My Kid… Completed 10 Levels of Swimming by Age of 9 |
My kid is a source of inspiration. I thought I would go through life not having children. I was so focused on my career and in my 30’s. At the time, it seemed impossible to have children and be successful at work. Well, it was kind of true… at least for me… I became a mediocre mom and a pretty good teacher. Truthfully, I wanted to be excellent at both. Nonetheless, life moves forward and we learn from our experiences. For the past 9 years, Zoe has taught me many life lessons and I am truly grateful. One of them just happened a few days ago. It’s the beginning of spring break and it dawned on me that Zoe’s swimming lessons were over. We picked up her report card at the pool and she PASSED… Level 10. That is totally incredible to me considering I don’t know how to swim. What I realized is, we can accomplish great things by taking one step at a time, by doing what we love, and by enjoying the experience instead of dwelling on the outcome. You did it Zoe! Congratulations!