Making Progress
Here’s Flat Christine hanging out with her caretaker, Kim. Apparently Flat Christine likes driving. Interesting. I did not know that about her. Round Christine prefers someone else driving. Hmm… learning something new everyday… much like the dissertation process. It’s ironic when I’m writing about professional learning and the goods internal to the practice. The goods internal are feelings of joy, satisfaction, and bliss. The practice, in this case, is my dissertation. According to Alasdair McIntyre (1984), you can only achieve the goods internal to the practice by engaging in the practice. Affirmed. As much as I (aka. Round Christine) was challenged by the daunting task of completion, once I had established the goods external to the practice, such as job prospects and future aspirations, I was able to move forward. With extrinsic motivation and engagement, I was able to realize the goods internal to the practice. Making progress. Feels good.