
Well… here it is… the fruits of my labour.  It has taken several days (and several recycling bins) to get my home office to look like this.  I still have a bit to do.  If you take a closer look, on the left and right hand side of the photo, I have several piles of edu-articles to sort through and file.  Besides that, I’m liking how my office looks and feels.  I’ve procrastinated this “clean & purge” process for quite some time.  Teachers are Hoarders.  It’s not easy to make decisions, let things go, and move forward.  The toughest part of this process was stumbling upon artifacts that highlighted the “good” and the “bad” of my teaching career.  From thank you cards to letters to old final exams, they all had to go.  I even recycled my Math 100/101 notes from university.  Can you believe that those notes were 25 years old?  Gasp.  Redefining my office space was another “next step.”  I was meant to find these artifacts and remind myself of what was and what is.  Moving forward.