I love meeting the right people, at the right place, at the right time. Yesterday, I bumped into one of my former colleagues and friend. We chatted about professional learning, learning styles, and the writing process. I adore talking about teacher professional development, systems, and optimizing learning opportunities. In our conversation, what resonated with me was the notion of “titchiness.” I shared with my friend my learning experiences with respect to my dissertation and writing process. I’m provoked by new ideas and forced to learn more about myself and my learning. My professional learning preference is to collaborate and dialogue with others. My friend prefers the opposite, which was kindly referred to as being a bit TICHY… a “quality” that writers and editors have. In essence, they want to do it on their own. They get into a ZONE with their ideas and thoughts. Titchy could mean edgy. I want some of that. I wanna be titchy too.