Campaign Trail 2014

As we approach election day, I end my 2014 mayoral campaign on a high note.  On November 10th, the Davis Bay, Wilson Creek & Selma Park Community Association hosted an all-candidates forum for the District of Sechelt municipal election.  This was the last opportunity for 14 council candidates and 3 mayoralty candidates to provide their last “sound bytes” to 4 questions to a standing room only audience.  Public forums provide an even playing field for candidates to express their thoughts, views, and values to the engaged voter.  With a modest campaign, I cannot compete with the number of signs, newspaper ads, or campaign swag.  However, I will put my best foot forward at community forums. Being the last public forum, I was able to recognize loyalists from the other campaigns.  Yet, I was also approached by those who supported my candidacy and shared words of encouragement.  At this all-candidates forum, I was able to highlight my platform of community engagement, affordable housing, and small business initiatives by mentioning the OCP, Vital Signs, accessible/flexible childcare, transportation needs, education/training, and the CRC Progress Plan.  I walked away from this final forum saying what I needed to say, wholeheartedly.  I am proud to be a mayoralty candidate. I am in the right place, at the right time.  Thank you to Sue Jackel, Sechelt Chamber of Commerce, Darnelda Seigers, West Sechelt Community Association, and Voice on the Coast for hosting events to engage voters. Get your VOTE on… November 15th.  Your Voice Matters. #munielxn

Advanced Vote: Wednesday, November 12, 8am-8pm at Seaside Centre for all District of Sechelt areas
Voting Day: Saturday, November 15, 8am-8pm at West Sechelt Elementary, Davis Bay Elementary & Seniors Activity Centre