$20 Campaign

Hello Bloggies and Younghusband Supporters…

Welcome to MY TWENTY DOLLAR CAMPAIGN.  Running for School Trustee has been an exciting learning opportunity.  I am learning about municipal politics and what needs to be done to be elected as a school trustee.  The big ideas are transparency, fair-play, and name recognition.  Embedded in that is fund raising, campaigning, and documentation.  I am enjoying chatting with people, going door to door, and finding ways to have my candidacy known to the residents of the District of Sechelt.

The surprising aspect of campaigning is fund raising.  I am starting a $20 campaign.  If you support my candidacy as school trustee in School District No.46 (Sunshine Coast), regardless of your current residence, I am looking for VOTE and/or a $20 contribution… cash or cheque.

The municipal election is Saturday, November 19, 2011.  It is a short campaign and I have implemented a straight-forward campaign approach with signs, flyers, and candidates meetings.

I would love to have the opportunity to represent students, families, and the community as a school trustee.  I believe my expertise and experience as a secondary mathematics teacher in SD46 will bring a wealth of knowledge and insight needed to make worthwhile decisions on the board.

A $20 contribution would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you for your consideration.

Send a cheque to “Younghusband Campaign” and mail to:
c/o Christine Younghusband
6330 Williams Place
Sechelt, BC  V0N 3A7

Or by cash to be given in person.  THANK YOU FOR READING MY CAMPAIGN REQUEST.