Letting Go

Do you ever feel like you’re just done with it?  No more.  You’re done.  In fact, you just want to move on.  I am so there.  I’m beyond turning the page or starting a new chapter.  I am opening a new book.  I’m just done with this book.  I’m tired of re-reading it hoping to read something new.  Phooey.  A new story would be nice.  For the past two years, I’ve been quietly holding onto old ideas about myself.  I can’t seem to move forwards.  It’s like I’m stuck.  I’m ready to move on.  Right now, I am moving in a good direction but sometimes I feel tethered to what could have been.  Meh.  Life is full of choices.  I’ve made my decisions and feel good about them.  Looking back is painful and I hate the idea of guiding my life based on old beliefs.  There is no question I had lessons to learn.  I hope I’ve learned them.  Right now, it’s time to realize what is and say good bye hurt feelings.  Things are great and I’m optimistic of what could be.  The future is bright.  I am letting go.

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